
Showing posts from September 11, 2016

Graduation day! Aye ye ye ye ye! Come let's Celebrate now!

"Today will be the happiest day, the happiest day..." have you heard the song? Actually the lyrics I've just written and the blog title are derived from Brenda Fassie's song wedding day. Yes its not exactly word for word, In primary school we switched out the lyrics, and used graduation day for wedding day and made up english words for the swahili bits I didn't attend a wedding, I attended a graduation ceremony. Yes! Yes! Yes! my classmates graduated from medical school, they got their diplomas, they are officially medical doctors. Woahhhhhh, I screamed my lungs out, jumped up, got emotional, Wow, 7 years and they made it! They really made it! Medical school was tough, but I guess the real world will be even tougher. But they'll be fine, because they are champions, they are winners, they are fighters, because they've made it this far. So here's a subtle shout out to Dr Dedun of Truth be told , Dr Ehiremen, Dr Tobi, Dr Ibrahim, Dr Miriam, Dr Abdu...


To turn over in one's mind, to consider, to mull over, give consideration to, be in a brown study, speculate about. These are all synonyms for the word reflect. As I mentioned in the day 1 challenge , I have another blog, a travel blog . It's different from this one, am trying to make it as real as possible, which means I should have experienced the places am writing about, since they are real places I need to do some research once in a while to sure, I've got the name of this or that correct or the history right. The Fisher reflects is different, here its my thoughts, opinions, perception of things or ideas and everyday life. Consciously and unconsciously we all have to think deeply, maybe what we think about is different, but everyone has their thoughts and opinions. If I just think a little bit deeply every now and then, it should be easy coming up with something to write up. It should be easy writing about things I love, or do not understand. It should be easy ...

In Search of My Tribe, What Shall I do?

Its day 6 of the freedom plan challenge and today is all about finding your tribe.  Natalie explains that, "Your tribe is made up of the people who understand and support you, and can inspire you to keep going is crucial to creating your own freedom lifestyle successfully" I previously read about how people could get a quarter life crisis in their twenties and I think I may be experiencing one of those. I am at a season where I must make important and critical decisions with regards to my future and in times like this, everyone needs a mentor, everyone needs some support system. My family, community and friends have been my backbone these few months. And I really do appreciate them, that's one part. As for a mentor, goodness! I don't really have one, goodness!!! I am not even sure where to find one. I think a lot goes into finding a mentor, Who are they? Are they living the type of life that bears semblance to how you envision your future life? Do ...

Setting yourself up for Success: The Fisher Reflects

It's easy starting a blog, soon after, you find that you need to keep writing and posting content, and not just anyhow content, but content that is actually relevant, content that is remarkable, content that is of value to your readers. Soon after, you realize that people need to read your content, it's got to be worth sharing. I am currently at this stage now, figuring out how do I get people to read this stuff? how do I get them to share? I've  been reading on developing stellar content, the different sharing mediums, how the time of posting and sharing matters, the types of people that share on social media, what my readers want and what not. The other day i got myself so worked up, I thought it must be me, I began to question if I was meant to do this. Well, that didn't bring me more readers, so here's what occurred to me afterwards. Most times, what you need to be successful is a different mindset, so here are 5 mindsets to adapt when doing anything, sta...

On Superpowers/Superheroes and Selfishness

This blog post is in response to Natalie's 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 4 I began this challenge 4 days ago, and woohooo!!! its day 4 and I haven't given up. Today's challenge is on unlocking your superpowers. I got the email a few hours back and I began to think what my superpowers were. What are your superpowers? I couldn't think of any and then I began to think ah, what sort of superpowers would I like to have? If wishes were indeed horses, what superhero would I like to become? When you think of superpowers you think of superheroes, you know the Power rangers, Powerpuff girls, Superman, Catwoman, Spiderman, Green lantern, Batman, The Flash, Wonderwoman, E.X.O aka Wale Williams, Po the Panda (he is my superhero) ugh, the list goes on. There is one, I wish I could be, the Flash. I wish I had superspeed powers and for very silly reasons. I am the kind of person who tries to catch the bus once I see it, even though the next one would come in 5 minutes....

My Vision of a Perfect Weekday

Today's blog post is about creating a vision for your future. Its amazing that the quote Natalie quotes, 'whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve' is something that struck me even earlier in the morning. I need to begin to believe that I can do things and I will be things. Not just day dreaming about it, but writing it down, speaking it out and being proactive about it. It is a good thing to know what you want. This is how I envision my perfect day: A week day preferably Early Morning : Wake up (between 5am and 6am latest), morning greetings, have breakfast, prepare for work or school, run through emails Late Morning : at work, try to add as much value to the lives of people around me as possible, not get burned out Early Afternoon : rounding up from work Late Afternoon : have a hearty lunch, with friends and family Early Evening : Blogging or Writing, do at least 2 things that add value to my blog, creating or developing content, social media ma...

The Why? + Is God really a destiny changer?

So on yesterday's post I said the biggest roadblocks for me were not having enough time and complacency and to be honest I wasn't going to continue this challenge today. After reading the email I was like nah, that's it, am not doing it. Yet here I am again and am sure glad to be writing this, because that's what a challenge is all about, something that pushes you, stretching yourself, going beyond the normal. I realized in my 4th year of medical school that there was more to life than just my classes, my books, my school, there was more to life than medical school. I am privileged to have  met and interacted with so many others who opened my eyes to see just what I was missing. That challenged me to want to know more, to get out my cocoon and learn more about stuff that weren't medically related. Why? Travelling, blogging, writing are the few things I've found that I am really passionate about. I can't say I have the talent, even if I did, talent ...