Graduation day! Aye ye ye ye ye! Come let's Celebrate now!
"Today will be the happiest day, the happiest day..." have you heard the song? Actually the lyrics I've just written and the blog title are derived from Brenda Fassie's song wedding day. Yes its not exactly word for word, In primary school we switched out the lyrics, and used graduation day for wedding day and made up english words for the swahili bits
I didn't attend a wedding, I attended a graduation ceremony. Yes! Yes! Yes! my classmates graduated from medical school, they got their diplomas, they are officially medical doctors. Woahhhhhh, I screamed my lungs out, jumped up, got emotional, Wow, 7 years and they made it! They really made it!
Medical school was tough, but I guess the real world will be even tougher. But they'll be fine, because they are champions, they are winners, they are fighters, because they've made it this far. So here's a subtle shout out to Dr Dedun of Truth be told, Dr Ehiremen, Dr Tobi, Dr Ibrahim, Dr Miriam, Dr Abdullah, Dr Mahtab, Dr Chisato, Dr Bo, Dr Tope, Dr Grace, Dr Jemima, Dr Favour.
You guys are the best, as you go into the world, just keep slaying! I celebrate you all! Cheers to these past years! Cheers to the never ending tests and exams! Cheers to the tears and laughter shared! Cheers to the people you've become! Cheers to your future careers! Cheers to family and friends for the love and support! And Cheers to the almighty God, for keeping these ones and for giving me the privilege to have met them. Many many Congratulations on this great feat!!
This blog post is in response to Natalie's 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 8
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