My Vision of a Perfect Weekday

Today's blog post is about creating a vision for your future. Its amazing that the quote Natalie quotes, 'whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve' is something that struck me even earlier in the morning. I need to begin to believe that I can do things and I will be things. Not just day dreaming about it, but writing it down, speaking it out and being proactive about it. It is a good thing to know what you want.

This is how I envision my perfect day: A week day preferably

Early Morning: Wake up (between 5am and 6am latest), morning greetings, have breakfast, prepare for work or school, run through emails
Late Morning: at work, try to add as much value to the lives of people around me as possible, not get burned out

Early Afternoon: rounding up from work
Late Afternoon: have a hearty lunch, with friends and family

Early Evening : Blogging or Writing, do at least 2 things that add value to my blog, creating or developing content, social media marketing or scheduling posts for the next day
Late Evening: Run through emails, have a light dinner, watch an awesome movie (if there is time)/complete unfinished tasks. Sort out my to do list for the next day. Go to bed at 12am or 1am

Hmm, this is it for now, I feel like this is so simple and casual. haha I am pretty sure it might change with time.

I do envision myself being a medical practitioner and also blogging at the same time. Both are hectic, but where there is a will, there is a way!

What is your vision for a perfect day? What is your vision of how your life should be in 1 year or 5 years time? Remember to write down the vision, make it plain. Vision doesn't apply to just individuals. if your run a business or an organization, its same. What is your vision for your business in 1 year or 5 years time?

That's it folks. Am off to  pray about it and write down my vision for the short run and and the long.

This blog post is in response to Natalie's 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog.


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