
Showing posts from February 19, 2017

How Did I Get Here? Moving On!

I read an article on yahoo the other day, it was on 10 things to not say to your boss. After reading the first three points, I felt it was a waste of my time to go on. Actually I felt then that it was total nonsense and couldn’t believe someone took their time to write that. It makes one wonder, either the article was really nonsensical or I am the one who thinks myself to have above and beyond common sense. Well, that incident left me wondering how to pick and choose and how to avoid making decisions that waste my time. How do you know what you have decided on won’t be a total waste of time? I still have no concrete answer. But, looking at my life over the past year — I have made a lot of major decisions and am yet to conclude if they were profitable or not. One thing I have learnt though — No matter what path you picked and how it ended up, don’t lose you. Keep trudging on, keep moving forward. Don’t let yourself stop you...