
Showing posts from May 24, 2020

Dear Short Black Woman, The One with the Stronger Fists Rules

Today I want to share a story in a story. I came across this story in the Novel Joy of Life, by Chinese author Mao Ni, which has been made into a movie as well. “ A long time ago, in a forest, there was only a little white rabbit. Early in the morning, he happily left his home, but he then ran into a big grey wolf. The big grey wolf grabbed the little white rabbit and slapped him twice in the face and then said, ‘I told you not to wear a hat!' The next day, the white rabbit put on his hat and left his house again. As he walked, he ran into the big grey wolf again. The big grey wolf caught him again and once more slapped him twice on the face, ‘That’ll teach you to wear a hat!’ The little white rabbit felt very gloomy, so he ran to the old tiger to tell on the big grey wolf. The old tiger listened to the little white rabbit’s grievances and said with heartfelt pain, ‘Be at ease, naturally, I will find justice for you.’  Following this, the old tiger found the bi...